Artist and Vendor Resources

SEPTEMBER 7 & 8, 2024 

2024 EXHIBITOR MEMO: Welcome, and Thank You for Participating in the 2024 Big Four Arts Festival! We look forward to your arrival in Louisville! This memo outlines all the information you will need, including your Arrival Instructions, Parking Lot and Setup Time Assignments, Parking Map and Parking Permit, Booth Tag, and other Festival details. Please print and fill out the Parking Pass and Booth Tag before arrival.

A Festival Booth Map is in the Packet and is also available on the Festival website: 

AT-A-GLANCE EZ-IN SETUP Friday September 6th, Assigned Setup Times:

AM: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM for EVEN number booths

PM: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM for ODD number booths.

Entering Festival:

Red Parking Lot: Booth Numbers: 249 or less. Located under the Big Four Walking Bridge

Lincoln Parking Lot: Booth Numbers: 250 or greater. Located west of the Red Lot


SUNDAY SEPT. 8th 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tear down starts at 5:15 PM, Sept. 8th

FESTIVAL SITE GOOGLE MAP: ADDRESS 1103 River Road, Louisville, KY 40206                                     

CONTACT INFO: email:                     

PHONE: (502) 435-7602 

1103 River Road, Louisville, KY 40206

There are two site entrances: β€’ The RED LOT, under the Big 4 Pedestrian Bridge ramp, and β€’ The LINCOLN LOT just west of the Red Lot.  Please enter at your assigned lot.   PARKING MAP (Page 5). β€’ Artist Registration Desks are in both lots with easy access to the festival grounds. 

ARRIVAL, REGISTRATION & SET-UP — EZ In Setup β€’ Friday September 6th: EVEN number Booths:  8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. ODD number Booths:  12:00 – 4:00 PM. Booth numbers 10 to 249, report to Red Parking Lot & Booth numbers 250 to 375, report to Lincoln Lot. To expedite the set-up process, please PRINT and have your PARKING PASS displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle before you approach the site.  Please Print your Booth tag and have it ready for your Booth. We will furnish sheet protectors and zip ties for attachment of Booth Tag. 

Festival Dates & Hours: β€’ Festival – Saturday September 7th    10:00 AM – 7:00 PM β€’ Festival – Sunday September 8th    10:00 AM – 5:00 PM 

βœ“ Proceed to your assigned lot WITH THE PARKING PASS ON YOUR DASHBOARD
βœ“ Check in at the parking lot entrance, then proceed to the Artist Registration Desk located in the lot and pick up your credentials.
βœ“ Directions will be provided at the Registration Desk for entering the festival grounds with your vehicle.
βœ“ As a courtesy to others, please DO NOT BLOCK ACCESS ROADS WHILE UNLOADING. Please repark vehicle in your assigned lot after unloading. 
βœ“ REMINDERS: Weight your tents, NO STAKES. The event is β€œRain or Shine,” so please be prepared for all weather conditions.
βœ“ All vehicles must be off lawns no later than 5:00 PM
Please Note:  There is no volunteer help for the set up and tear-down of booths, but staff members are available for resolving booth site and mechanical issues. Special needs please notify us by email.


24-hour security is provided for the festival grounds and parking lots Friday – Sunday, but please do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle. Artists are permitted to remove artworks each day after show hours (if desired) for additional security.  Always display your Parking Pass on the dashboard when the vehicle is in the lot, and please keep your artist credentials with you. 

Artists will be judged for awards on Saturday from 11:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Please be sure to display your artist statements/description of process in your booth during all festival hours. Awards will be announced Sunday from Bandstand and handed out on Sunday afternoon.  

Festival staff and volunteers will be in Festival shirts (bright yellow and magenta tie dye shirts). Festival staff will also be available at the Staff Tent in the ramp area under the Big Four Pedestrian Bridge. Red Parking Lot.  

Breakfast for Artists, A light breakfast will be available for artists on Saturday and Sunday at the Event Tent on the Big Four Bridge Lawn between 8:30-9:30 AM. 

Kentucky Sales Tax Reporting Form, the form for reporting Kentucky sales tax (6%) is on Page 8. You do not report sales figures to us at the festival. B4B Promotions is required to provide a list of all the Big Four Arts Festival exhibitors to the Kentucky Department of Revenue after the event. Please PRINT the Form and send to the Kentucky Revenue Department, address on Form. 

Festival Site Contact Number: (502) 435-7602. For any medical or police-related emergencies, dial 911 first! There will be EMS crew and ambulance on Festival grounds all open hours of Festival.

Breakdown Procedure and Cleanup:
Patrons will be cleared from the event site beginning at 5:00 PM on Sunday. DO NOT BEGIN BREAKING DOWN YOUR DISPLAY PRIOR TO 5:00 PM. Move out begins at 5:15 PM. Artists are responsible for cleaning up their exhibit area and leaving the park grounds as beautiful as you found them.

Let me mention again, please print out your Parking Pass filled out and displayed on your dash upon entering your parking lot. Print out your Booth Tag, have filled out and ready to display on your booth for judges. Upon arrival and registration, we will furnish sheet protector with ties for attachment and display of Booth Tag. This is important for Patrons to find your booth and for the Judges to score your work, for awards.


Kentucky requires a Temporary Vendor Sales and Use Tax Return/Processing Document from all vendors. You can fill out this form online and print it or download it as a PDF form using the button below. Please be sure to set the correct dates!

Booth Map
Louisville Art Festival map Big Four bridge

Find your booth, plan your set up and see the full layout of the art festival with our printer-friendly 8×11 Art festival map pdf above or our mobile map image below, complete with booth numbers.

Parking Pass

This permit must be COMPLETED and kept in full view on DASHBOARD at arrival and always while vehicle is in the lot. This permit helps us protect you from being fined or towed and contacting you in the event of an emergency. PLEASE this form completed and on your dashboard on arrival to expedite your Registration and Setup. Thank you! Louis Nunnelley, Event Director

Booth Tag

Each booth must have a booth tag. You can fill out and print this tag here as either a PNG image or as a fillable PDF.